Otso mobile application for digital content and Augmented Reality

Otava Learning is a Finnish publisher of learning materials and an expert in learning producing digital and printed content and services from pre-primary to adult education. ​

Otava Learning exports Finnish competence and learning to the world and provides schools with coaching related to changes. The business area also includes Otava Utbildning, Otava Oppimisen palvelut and Finn Lectura.

Hurja Solutions was excited to take on a new challenge and had already made technical preparations before the first time we actually met. Keeping in touch was easy – and also vital to the smooth progress of the project.

Kuisma Eskola, Otava Learning


Otava Publishing Company wished to support its learning services with digital content and Augmented Reality (AR).

There was also a need for a special mobile app for digital and augmented content that pupils could download from an app store without separate charges. The mobile application had to suit both basic education and upper secondary schools.


We provided Otava Learning with a mobile application called Otso and included versatile digital content in the app. The application recognises the Otava textbook that the pupil uses and displays AR content produced by Otava based on markers set on the pages of the printed book.

The comprehensive content management system behind the application makes it possible to integrate new textbooks and various types of content (videos, audio material, 3D models and Augmented Reality) into the application. Thanks to the scalable server architecture, thousands of pupils and teachers can use the app at the same time.


The user-friendly Otso application and the augmented learning material support multimodal learning at home and school alike. The digital AR content makes the printed textbooks more interesting, as pupils using the Otso application can watch and listen to videos, audio files and other digital content related to the book.

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