Meaningful code for the demands of the evolving world

We are creating code that matters now and tomorrow.

At Hurja, we consistently work towards the development of the company, which is why we initiated the Purpose2030™️project in 2022 as part of our sustainability efforts. In this project, we refined Hurja’s values, mission, and vision, and integrated sustainability more strongly into Hurja’s strategy. The next natural step was to create a sustainability program, ensuring that lofty ideals do not remain mere words.

Hurja’s vision is to create meaningful code for the demands of the evolving world, and our mission is to create an advantage in the evolving world. Meaningfulness within our vision encompasses the concept of responsibility. This signifies that at Hurja, we strive for the meaningfulness of work for each employee and the act of coding positive change in the world. In other words, we produce code that matters now and tomorrow.

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Sustainability is a meaningful part of Hurja’s strategy

We have chosen three United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) as the focal points of the Hurja’s sustainability program, which we are committed to advancing in our operations. Hurja aims to both contribute to achieving these goals and to mitigate any negative impacts associated with them.

The selected goals in the sustainability program cover dimensions of social, economic, and environmental responsibility. We’re not there yet, but now we have a clear direction towards a broader significance for Hurja, society, and the environment.

Hurja has been awarded the Carbon Neutrality Label by Koodia Suomesta ry.


The objectives of Hurja’s Sustainability Program

Goal: Decent work and Economic growth icon.
Goal: Reduced inequalities icon.
Goal: Climate action icon.

Sustainability Program

Social Responsibility

We promote sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, decent work, and reduce inequality.

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Social Responsibility

Economic Responsibility

We promote inclusive sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all.

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Economic Responsibility

Environmental Responsibility

We urgently promote practices to combat climate change and its effects.

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Environmental Responsibility